Koenigsegg bless 15 years of authoritative dream cars, by unleashing their latest jewel - the Koenigsegg Agera. A new supercar aimed to booty the Koenigsegg acquaintance to the abutting level, both on the alley and the track.
Agera, the Swedish verb "to act", has been called as the name for Koenigsegg´s latest cool creation, as it symbolizes the Koenigsegg aesthetics well. Koenigsegg is consistently appetite forward, gluttonous challenges above limitations. The new supercar Koenigsegg Agera is an aftereffect of that artistic action and its functions acknowledge actual able-bodied to the accustomed name.
When we accept in something, we do it. We act. the car additionally has to act, back allowable to absolve its performance, angrily and fawlessly. The development of the Koenigsegg Agera has been evolutionary, afterward the Koenigsegg attitude of connected improvements, by honing and perfecting the end result, all based on antecedent acquaintance and avant-garde mindsets. The focus back developing the Koenigsegg Agera was to maximize, active experience, cornering speed, braking and adaptability, says Christian von Koenigsegg.