First, the new design is cleaner, more aggressive and has a return style style angry, shark-esque front. CD Vision is a modern roadster designed under the supervision of BMW chief designer, Adrian von Hooydonk. Among the others is much more impressive. The cabin for two includes a fully customizable set of instruments, the increase in Head-Up Display, which offers a driving three-dimensional visualization of information and communication. HUD provides this 3D apparently "a fusion of current optical view of the road with virtual content." This is an information system for passengers as well.
Rear-and front lights to control traffic flows, the car controls the driving environment and can communicate with other vehicles in the future Vision CD. Passengers can surf the web and a tweet, how impressive is his car over other cars in front and behind the driver and his portable device to read each other and the vehicle. It is said that the drivers and calendar, and suggests ways to effectively get to his appointments and meetings in a short time through satellite navigation.
Therefore, the possibility of auditing in the country who liked BMW of the situation and order pizza for collection on your route home. Then select a movie to watch when I get home is a bit closer to reality. The roadster ConnectedDrive shows the future vision of our relationship with our online world driving conditions, while previewing a new design language can make your way to your future Beemer.